Dogs are only permitted in Riverside Cottage 1, Cottage 2 and Cottage 3. Dogs are not permitted in 2 Lumford House or Grange Barn as these are pet free properties.
1. We charge £30 per dog. Should extra cleaning be required (especially if we find they have been on furniture, in the bedrooms/upstairs), we have the right to retain an agreed fee from the damage deposit paid for any extra work carried out for excessive cleaning.
2. Dogs must not be left alone in the property, including any garden. Dogs must be kept on a lead within the boundaries of the property as the property boundaries may not be totally secure.
3. Dogs must be well behaved and strictly kept downstairs and off the soft furnishings and beds.
4. Any fouling on lawns etc. must be cleared up without delay for appropriate disposal.
5. Muddy paws should be cleaned before being allowed inside the house.
6. Dogs hair must be well cleared up before departing.
7. Dog owners must ensure that their pets are free from parasites and fleas before they occupy the property. Failure to do so will incur subsequent charges.
8. Barking should be discouraged out of respect for our neighbours. We warmly welcome responsible pet owners.
9. Riverside Cottages is not responsible for any loss, damage or injury to your pet.
10. If you or any member of the party has a pet allergy, we cannot guarantee that dogs, or other pets, have not stayed in your chosen property, even though pets are prohibited from 2 Lumford House and Grange Barn.
Failure to adhere to our dog policy may result in you being asked to leave without compensation.